Monday, December 18, 2006

Chehalis River Hatchery

Every year between October -February, salmon in different varieties, after spending 4 years at the open ocean, come in hordes instinctively to their origin of "birth". Many "birthplaces" of salmon - "hatchery" in British Columbia. The one shown here is the "Chehalis River Hatchery", about 2 hours drive from Vancouver. Workers at the hatchery remove the "eggs" and the "sperms" from the salmons and "processing" them until the "birth" of baby salmons. After 3 months old, they are released back to the Chehalis River, or to other rivers in different part of B.C. that are lacking in salmon. Thus the life cycle of salmon continues.

Setiap tahun sekitar October-February, ikan2 salmon dari berbagai jenis, setelah merantau 4 tahun dilautan bebas, datang berduyun2 secara instinct ketempat "lahir" mereka.Banyak tempat "lahir" salmon-"hatchery" di British Columbia. Yang terlihat disini adalah "Chehalis River Hatchery" sejauh 2 jam dengan mobil dari Vancouver. Pekerja2 di "hatchery" mengambil "eggs" dan "sperms" dari salmon dan di"proses" sampai anak2 salmon "lahir". Setelah umur 3 bulan dilepas balik ke "Chehalis River", atau sungai2 lain di B.C. yang kekurangan salmon. Demikian lingkaran hidup salmon diteruskan.

Patullo Bridge

It has been drizzling on and off all day this Sunday December 17,2006 at the Lower Mainland. But there was a brief sunny break when the Skytrain crossing the bridge from Surrey toward New Westminster. A somewhat clear sky appeared on the Tri Cities area.