Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Buntzen Lake

Dear Banta Tarigan,
There is this pristine place near Anmore, a suburb of Vancouver, a 45 minutes drive away from where I live, called Buntzen Lake. It is very popular place for summer recreation between June-September: picnic, hiking and canoeing. It is so popular that sometimes it has to be closed for later arrivals. There is no entry fee. In 1903 the first Lower Mainland hydro electric power station was built 1/2 km away to tap in energy from the lake. But many other hydro electric dams were built somewhere else ever since, so that now Buntzen Lake is more important for an attractive recreation area for public enjoyment. I come here a few times every summer, mostly for hiking. You can walk around the lake, up and down terrains, through wooded trails and surrounded by tall cedar trees, in less than 2 hours. And that will be good enough for your heart and lungs the exercise they need in a clean and fresh environment.

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